We announce compliance with international GIPS standards


UD Capital JSC announces compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards of the CFA Institute, thus becoming the first company to implement GIPS standards in Kazakhstan.

“The introduction of international GIPS standards is an important step towards the development of the company. It is a great honor for us to be the first in Kazakhstan and at the same time a great responsibility to comply with the best international practices. We continue to search for advanced solutions for our customers, whose trust we value very much,” commented the Chairman of the Management Board of JSC UD Capital Yerbolat Eleshev.

The GIPS standards, introduced in 1999, are universal, voluntary standards based on the fundamental principles of full disclosure and fair presentation of investment results. GIPS standards are administered by the CFA Institute worldwide and as of July 31, 2022 have been adopted by more than 1,750 firms and asset owners worldwide.

“UD Capital’s compliance with GIPS standards is evidence of the firm’s commitment to implementing best practices and promoting the investment profession by implementing global standards. They are the first company in Kazakhstan to adopt GIPS standards, and we are very pleased that Kazakhstan is the 49th market in the world where GIPS standards have been adopted,” said Karin Vincent, Senior Head of Global Industry Standards at the CFA Institute. “We applaud UD Capital for their efforts to put investors first, and we encourage more asset managers to follow their example to promote fairness, transparency and ethics in investment activities.”


The CFA press release can be found by clicking on the following link:
